Sample Code | Direct Payment
As described earlier for the Direct Payment, we are going to have a sample code to consume this endpoint to make a successful integration.
/* For simplicity check our PHP SDK library here */
//PHP Notice: To enable MyFatoorah auto-update, kindly give the write/read permissions to the library folder
//use zip file
include 'myfatoorah-library-2.2/MyfatoorahLoader.php';
include 'myfatoorah-library-2.2/MyfatoorahLibrary.php';
//use composer
//require 'vendor/autoload.php';
//use MyFatoorah\Library\MyFatoorah;
//use MyFatoorah\Library\API\Payment\MyFatoorahPayment;
/* --------------------------- Configurations ------------------------------- */
$mfConfig = [
* API Token Key (string)
* Accepted value:
* Live Token:
* Test Token:
'apiKey' => '',
* Vendor Country ISO Code (string)
* Accepted value: KWT, SAU, ARE, QAT, BHR, OMN, JOD, or EGY. Check
'vcCode' => 'KWT',
* Test Mode (boolean)
* Accepted value: true for the test mode or false for the live mode
'isTest' => true,
/* --------------------------- InitiatePayment Endpoint --------------------- */
$invoiceValue = 50;
$displayCurrencyIso = 'KWD';
//------------- Post Fields -------------------------
//------------- Call the Endpoint -------------------------
try {
$mfObj = new MyFatoorahPayment($mfConfig);
$paymentMethods = $mfObj->initiatePayment($invoiceValue, $displayCurrencyIso);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
//You can save $paymentMethods information in database to be used later
$paymentMethodId = 20;
//foreach ($paymentMethods as $pm) {
// if ($pm->PaymentMethodEn == 'Visa/Master Direct 3DS Flow' && $pm->IsDirectPayment) {
// $paymentMethodId = $pm->PaymentMethodId;
// break;
// }
/* --------------------------- ExecutePayment Endpoint ---------------------- */
//Fill customer address array
/* $customerAddress = array(
'Block' => 'Blk #', //optional
'Street' => 'Str', //optional
'HouseBuildingNo' => 'Bldng #', //optional
'Address' => 'Addr', //optional
'AddressInstructions' => 'More Address Instructions', //optional
); */
//Fill invoice item array
/* $invoiceItems[] = [
'ItemName' => 'Item Name', //ISBAN, or SKU
'Quantity' => '2', //Item's quantity
'UnitPrice' => '25', //Price per item
]; */
//Fill suppliers array
/* $suppliers = [
'SupplierCode' => 1,
'InvoiceShare' => '2',
'ProposedShare' => null,
]; */
//Parse the phone string
$phone = MyFatoorah::getPhone('+965 123456789');
//------------- Post Fields -------------------------
$postFields = [
//Fill required data
'InvoiceValue' => $invoiceValue,
'PaymentMethodId' => $paymentMethodId,
//Fill optional data
//'CustomerName' => 'fname lname',
//'DisplayCurrencyIso' => $displayCurrencyIso,
//'MobileCountryCode' => $phone[0],
//'CustomerMobile' => $phone[1],
//'CustomerEmail' => '[email protected]',
//'CallBackUrl' => '',
//'ErrorUrl' => '', //or ''
//'Language' => 'en', //or 'ar'
//'CustomerReference' => 'orderId',
//'CustomerCivilId' => 'CivilId',
//'UserDefinedField' => 'This could be string, number, or array',
//'ExpiryDate' => '', //The Invoice expires after 3 days by default. Use 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' format in the 'Asia/Kuwait' time zone.
//'CustomerAddress' => $customerAddress,
//'InvoiceItems' => $invoiceItems,
//'Suppliers' => $suppliers,
//------------- Call the Endpoint -------------------------
try {
$mfObj = new MyFatoorahPayment($mfConfig);
$data = $mfObj->executePayment($postFields);
//You can save payment data in database as per your needs
$invoiceId = $data->InvoiceId;
$paymentLink = $data->PaymentURL;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
/* --------------------------- DirectPayment Endpoint ----------------------- */
//------------- Post Fields -------------------------
$cardInfo = [
'PaymentType' => 'card',
'Bypass3DS' => false,
'Card' => [
'Number' => '5123450000000008',
'ExpiryMonth' => '05',
'ExpiryYear' => '21',
'SecurityCode' => '100',
'CardHolderName' => 'fname lname'
//------------- Call the Endpoint -------------------------
try {
$mfObj = new MyFatoorah($mfConfig);
$json = $mfObj->callAPI($paymentLink, $cardInfo);
//You can save payment data in database as per your needs
$paymentId = $json->Data->PaymentId;
$otpLink = $json->Data->PaymentURL;
//Display the result to your customer
//Redirect your customer to complete the payment process
echo '<h3><u>Summary:</u></h3>';
echo "To pay the invoice ID <b>$invoiceId</b> and with payment ID: <b>$paymentId</b>, click on:<br>";
echo "<a href='$otpLink' target='_blank'>$otpLink</a><br><br>";
echo '<h3><u>DirectPayment Response Object:</u></h3><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<h3><u>ExecutePayment Response Data:</u></h3><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<h3><u>InitiatePayment Response Data:</u></h3><pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace DirectPayment
class Program
// You can get test token from this page
static string token = "";
static string baseURL = "";
static async Task Main(string[] args)
//get url from execute payment for payment method support direct payment
// url will be like
var executePaymentEndPoint = "ExecutePayment";
var excutePaymentRequest = new
InvoiceValue = 10,
PaymentMethodId = 20, //Put here payment method id
// any additional fields
var excutePaymentRequestJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(excutePaymentRequest);
var executePaymentResponse = await ExecutePayment(requestJSON: excutePaymentRequestJSON, endPoint: executePaymentEndPoint).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine("ExecutePayment Response :");
string paymentUrl = executePaymentResponse.Data.PaymentURL;
var directPaymentResponse = await DirectPayment(paymentUrl).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine("Direct Payment Response :");
public static async Task<string> DirectPayment(string paymentUrl)
var directPaymentRequest = new
PaymentType = "Card",
SaveToken = false,
Card = new
Number = "5123450000000008",
ExpiryMonth = "05",
ExpiryYear = "21",
SecurityCode = "100",
HolderName = "holder name"
Bypass3DS = false,
var directPaymentRequestJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(directPaymentRequest);
return await PerformRequest(directPaymentRequestJSON, url:paymentUrl).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task<string> PerformRequest(string requestJSON,string url="", string endPoint="")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
url = baseURL + $"/v2/{endPoint}";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
var httpContent = new StringContent(requestJSON, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var responseMessage = await client.PostAsync(url, httpContent).ConfigureAwait(false);
string response = string.Empty;
if (!responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
IsSuccess = false,
Message = responseMessage.StatusCode.ToString()
response = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return response;
# Direct Payment End Point
# Import required libraries (make sure it is installed!)
import requests
import json
import sys
# -----------------------------Define Functions
def check_data(key, response_data):
if key in response_data.keys() and response_data[key] is not None:
return True
return False
# Error Handle Function
def handle_response(response):
if response.text == "": # In case of empty response
raise Exception("API key is not correct")
response_data = response.json()
response_keys = response_data.keys()
if "IsSuccess" in response_keys and response_data["IsSuccess"] is True:
return # Successful
elif check_data("ValidationErrors", response_data):
error = []
for i in range(len(response.json()["ValidationErrors"])):
v_error = [response_data["ValidationErrors"][i].get(key) for key in ["Name", "Error"]]
elif check_data("ErrorMessage", response_data):
error = response_data["ErrorMessage"]
elif check_data("Message", response_data):
error = response_data["Message"]
elif check_data("ErrorMessage", response_data["Data"]):
error = response_data["Data"]["ErrorMessage"]
error = "An Error has occurred. API response: " + response.text
raise Exception(error)
# Call API Function
def call_api(api_url, api_key, request_data, request_type="POST"):
request_data = json.dumps(request_data)
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + api_key}
response = requests.request(request_type, api_url, data=request_data, headers=headers)
return response
# Initiate Payment endpoint Function
def initiate_payment(initiatepay_request):
api_url = base_url + "/v2/InitiatePayment"
initiatepay_response = call_api(api_url, api_key, initiatepay_request).json()
payment_methods = initiatepay_response["Data"]["PaymentMethods"]
# Initiate Payment output if successful
#print("Payment Methods: ", payment_methods)
return payment_methods
# Execute Payment endpoint Function
def execute_payment(executepay_request):
api_url = base_url + "/v2/ExecutePayment"
executepay_response = call_api(api_url, api_key, executepay_request).json()
invoice_id = executepay_response["Data"]["InvoiceId"]
invoice_url = executepay_response["Data"]["PaymentURL"]
# Execute Payment output if successful
#print("InvoiceId: ", invoice_id,
# "\nInvoiceURL: ", invoice_url)
return invoice_id, invoice_url
# Direct Payment endpoint Function
# The payment link from execute payment is used as the API for direct payment
def direct_payment(directpay_request, invoice_url):
directpay_response = call_api(invoice_url, api_key, directpay_request).json()
directpay_status = directpay_response["Data"]
# Direct Payment output if successful
print("Direct Payment Status: ", directpay_status)
return directpay_status
# Test Environment
base_url = ""
api_key = "MyTokenValue" # Test token value to be placed here:
# Live Environment
# base_url = ""
# api_key = "mytokenvalue" #Live token value to be placed here:
# Initaite Payment request data
initiatepay_request = {
"InvoiceAmount": 100,
"CurrencyIso": "KWD"
# Getting the value of payment Method Id
payment_method = initiate_payment(initiatepay_request)
# Creating a simplified list for payment methods
payment_method_list = []
for item in range(len(payment_method)):
if payment_method[item]["IsDirectPayment"] == True:
y = [payment_method[item].get(key) for key in ["PaymentMethodEn", "PaymentMethodId"]]
# Get the payment method key.
while True:
payment_method_id = input("Kindly enter the number equivalent to the required payment method: ")
if int(payment_method_id) in [el[1] for el in payment_method_list]:
print("Kindly enter a correct payment method id")
print("The input must be a number")
# Based on the initiate payment response, we select the value of reference number to choose payment method
# Execute Payment Request
executepay_request = {
"paymentMethodId" : payment_method_id,
"InvoiceValue" : 50,
"CallBackUrl" : "",
"ErrorUrl" : "",
# Fill optional data
#"CustomerName" : "fname lname",
#"DisplayCurrencyIso" : "KWD",
#"MobileCountryCode" : "+965",
#"CustomerMobile" : "1234567890",
#"CustomerEmail" : "[email protected]",
#"Language" : "en", #or "ar"
#"CustomerReference" : "orderId",
#"CustomerCivilId" : "CivilId",
#"UserDefinedField" : "This could be string, number, or array",
#"ExpiryDate" : "", #The Invoice expires after 3 days by default. Use "Y-m-d\TH:i:s" format in the "Asia/Kuwait" time zone.
#"SourceInfo" : "Pure PHP", #For example: (Laravel/Yii API Ver2.0 integration)
#"CustomerAddress" : "customerAddress",
#"InvoiceItems" : "invoiceItems",
# Execute payment t get Invoice Id and Invoice URL
invoice_id, invoice_url = execute_payment(executepay_request)
# Required Data for direct Payment
directpay_request = {
"PaymentType": "card",
"Bypass3DS": False,
"SaveToken": "false",
"Token": "string",
"Card": {
"Number": "5123450000000008",
"ExpiryMonth": "05",
"ExpiryYear": "21",
"SecurityCode": "100",
"CardHolderName": "fname lname"
direct_payment(directpay_request, invoice_url)
ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()
print("Exception type : %s " % ex_type.__name__)
print("Exception message : %s" % ex_value)
# Test Card Data for Visa/Master
# {
# "PaymentType": "card",
# "Bypass3DS": False,
# "SaveToken": False,
# "Card": {
# "Number": "5453010000095539",
# "ExpiryMonth": "12",
# "ExpiryYear": "25",
# "SecurityCode": "300",
# }
# }
####### Direct Payment ######
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
uri = URI.parse("")
token = 'mytokenvalue' #token value to be placed here
header = {'Authorization':token}
body = {
'PaymentMethodId': '2',
'CustomerName': 'Ahmed',
'DisplayCurrencyIso': 'KWD',
'MobileCountryCode': '+965',
'CustomerMobile': '12345678',
'CustomerEmail': '[email protected]',
'InvoiceValue': 100,
'CallBackUrl': '',
'ErrorUrl': '',
'Language': 'en',
'CustomerReference': 'ref 1',
'CustomerCivilId': 12345678,
'UserDefinedField': 'Custom field',
'ExpireDate': '',
'CustomerAddress': {
'Block': '',
'Street': '',
'HouseBuildingNo': '',
'Address': '',
'AddressInstructions': ''
'InvoiceItems': [
'ItemName': 'Product 01',
'Quantity': 1,
'UnitPrice': 100
# Create the HTTP objects
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request =, header)
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = body.to_json
# Send the request
response = http.request(request)
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
paymentURL = parsed['Data']['PaymentURL']
#After getting the payment url call it as a post API and pass card info to it
#If you have token saved before, send pass it as a token instead
uri = URI.parse(paymentURL)
token = 'mytokenvalue' #token value to be placed here
header = {'Authorization':token}
body = {'paymentType': 'card','card': {'Number':'5123450000000008','expiryMonth':'05','expiryYear':'21','securityCode':'100'},'saveToken': false}
# Create the HTTP objects
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request =, header)
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = body.to_json
# Send the request
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
console.log('#################### Direct Payment ########################');
var request = require("request");
var token = 'mytokenvalue' //token value to be placed here;
var baseURL = '';
var options = { method: 'POST',
url: baseURL+'/v2/ExecutePayment',
{ Accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: 'bearer '+token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
{ PaymentMethodId: '2',
CustomerName: 'Ahmed',
DisplayCurrencyIso: 'KWD',
MobileCountryCode: '+965',
CustomerMobile: '12345678',
CustomerEmail: '[email protected]',
InvoiceValue: 100,
CallBackUrl: '',
ErrorUrl: '',
Language: 'en',
CustomerReference: 'ref 1',
CustomerCivilId: 12345678,
UserDefinedField: 'Custom field',
ExpireDate: '',
{ Block: '',
Street: '',
HouseBuildingNo: '',
Address: '',
AddressInstructions: '' },
InvoiceItems: [ { ItemName: 'Product 01', Quantity: 1, UnitPrice: 100 } ] },
json: true };
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
var paymentURL = body['Data']['PaymentURL'] ;
function payInvoice(paymentURL) {
var options = { method: 'POST',
url: paymentURL,
{ Accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: 'bearer '+token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
{paymentType: 'card',card: {Number:'5123450000000008',expiryMonth:'05',expiryYear:'21',securityCode:'100'},saveToken: false},
json: true };
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
Updated 10 months ago