Joomla 3.x

Source Files

Installation Steps

Kindly, follow the below steps for installing Joomla – VirtueMart extension:

  1. We need to make sure the VirtueMart extension is installed in Joomla
  2. Download the Myfatoorah Joomla payment Zip file extension.
  3. From the Joomla admin panel, go to Extension → Manage → Install and choose the downloaded .zip file
  4. After that, go to Virtuemart → payment methods → new, to add payment methods information, and choose Myfatoorah in the payment method dropdown.
  5. Then, add the Myfatoorah API configuration in the configuration tab

Step 3


Step 4


Step 5

Demo Configuration:
Please, choose Yes in Test Mode, and use demo token.
You can use the list of test cards to explore the payment process.

Live Configuration:
Please, choose No in Test Mode, and use your live token.