Embedded Apple Pay



To provide a better user experience to your Apple Pay users, MyFatoorah is providing the Apple Pay embedded payment.

The Apple Pay button can be placed on your checkout page. When your customers click the button, MyFatoorah will direct the customers to the Apple Pay payment sheet page to authorize the payment.

Apple Pay Button

Apple Pay Button

Apple Pay Payment Sheet Page

Apple Pay Payment Sheet Page

Apple Pay Activation Steps

Add the Apple Pay verification file to your web domain.

  1. Host your domain verification file.
  2. Activate Apple Pay Embedded in the admin panel.

Step1: Host your domain verification file

1- Create a folder in the root path, and name it ".well-known".
2- Paste the file inside the ".well-known" folder.
3- Test that the file is located in the correct place by opening the URL below. Replace only the {example.com} with your site URL.



Domain Verification File

Do not remove the file from the server. Apple might need to re-validate the domain every year, and this file must be available for successful validation.



Domain should be TLS (HTTPS) enabled.

Step2: Activate Apple Pay Embedded in the admin panel

From the MyFatoorah Plugin Setting in your admin, make sure to make Apple Pay Embedded Enabled.

Apple Pay Activation From Admin

Apple Pay Activation From Admin