PHP Library 2.1

Installation Steps

Install the PHP library package via myfatoorah/library composer by running the below command:

composer require myfatoorah/library:2.1.*


Library as a Zip File

If your web application does not support the composer package, be free to download the library as a zip file from here.

Payment Operations

To handle any payment operation, create an object of the PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2 class. Then you can use one of the following functions.

The getInvoiceURL function

It gets the invoice or payment URL as well as the invoice id. As it appliances both of SendPayment and ExecutePayment endpoints. Moreover, It implements the embedded payment.


$paymentMethodId = 0; //to be redirect to MyFatoorah invoice page
$postFields      = [
    'InvoiceValue' => '50',
    'CustomerName' => 'fname lname',

try {
    $mfPayment = new PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $data      = $mfPayment->getInvoiceURL($postFields, $paymentMethodId);

    $invoiceId   = $data->InvoiceId;
    $paymentLink = $data->InvoiceURL;

    echo "Click on <a href='$paymentLink' target='_blank'>$paymentLink</a> to pay with invoiceID $invoiceId.";
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The getVendorGateways function

It lists the available payment gateways and implements the InitiatePayment endpoint.


try {
    $mfPayment      = new PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $paymentMethods = $mfPayment->getVendorGateways();

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The getPaymentStatus function

It gets the payment transaction status and implements the GetPaymentStatus endpoint.


$keyId   = '32090';
$KeyType = 'invoiceid';

try {
    $mfPayment = new PaymentMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $data      = $mfPayment->getPaymentStatus($keyId, $KeyType);

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

Shipping Operations

To handle any shipping operation, create an object of the ShippingMyfatoorahApiV2 class. Then you can use one of the following functions:

The calculateShippingCharge function

It calculates the shipping charge and implements CalculateShippingCharge endpoint.


$invoiceItems[] = [
    'ProductName' => 'Product Name',
    "Description" => 'Description',
    'weight'      => 5,
    'Width'       => 10,
    'Height'      => 15,
    'Depth'       => 20,
    'Quantity'    => 1,
    'UnitPrice'   => 123,

$curlData = [
    'ShippingMethod' => 1,
    'Items'          => $invoiceItems,
    'CountryCode'    => 'EG',
    'CityName'       => 'Alexandria',
    'PostalCode'     => '12345',

try {
    $mfShipping = new ShippingMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $json       = $mfShipping->calculateShippingCharge($curlData);

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The getShippingCountries function

It gets MyFatoorah shipping countries and implements GetCountries endpoint.


try {
    $mfShipping = new ShippingMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $json       = $mfShipping->getShippingCountries();

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The getShippingCities function

It gets MyFatoorah shipping cities and implements GetCities endpoint.


$method      = 1;
$countryCode = 'EG';
$searchValue = 'Alex';

try {
    $mfShipping = new ShippingMyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $json       = $mfShipping->getShippingCities($method, $countryCode, $searchValue);

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

General Operations

The MyfatoorahApiV2 handles some useful operations like:

The getCurrencyRate function

It gets the rate of a given currency according to the default currency of the MyFatoorah portal account.


try {
    $mfObj = new MyfatoorahApiV2($apiKey, $countryCode, $isTestMode);
    $rate  = $mfObj->getCurrencyRate('EGP');

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The static getPhone function

It gets the country code and the phone after applying the MyFatoorah restriction.


try {
    $phoneArr = MyfatoorahApiV2::getPhone('+2123456789');

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The static getWeightRate function

It gets the rate that will convert the given weight unit to MyFatoorah's default weight unit.


try {
    $weightRate = MyfatoorahApiV2::getWeightRate('lbs');

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();

The static getDimensionRate function

It gets the rate that will convert the given dimension unit to MyFatoorah's default dimension unit.


try {
    $dimensionRate = MyfatoorahApiV2::getDimensionRate('in');

} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();